So check this out, a new study is taking the benefits of soluble fiber to a whole new level! Recently scientists discovered that soluble fiber increases the anti-inflammatory compound interleukin-4 (IL-4) in the body when a bacterial infection occurs, which basically means it helps fight off the infection. Pretty interesting stuff, huh?

Not only that, but researchers believe that the anti-inflammatory properties of soluble fiber may even help reduce the inflammation that occurs in people who eat high-fat diets—a theory they’ll be following up on in future studies.

The bottom line is that a high-fiber diet provides oodles of health benefits for your whole body—including heart health, better digestion and regularity, and even healthy weight loss—so it’s important to get enough fiber in your daily diet. I recommend at least 35 grams daily of both soluble and insoluble fiber, since both types are crucial for overall health…but what’s the difference?

Soluble fiber acts like a sponge and helps soak up waste and toxins in the digestive tract, while insoluble fiber helps to “scrub” the colon free of debris and promote healthy elimination. Scientists point out, however, that a lot of people may not know the difference between them, so hopefully this will bring about better labeling on fiber products!