And While We’re on the Subject of Probiotics…

I read recently that more and more Americans aren’t getting enough vitamin B12 in their diet, and that older Americans are more likely to suffer from vitamin B12 deficiency than their younger counterparts. But why should we be concerned about B12 in the first place?...

More Bad Press for BPA

Well folks, it looks like BPA is back in the news, and the news is not good. In one of the first studies of its kind, scientists from the University of Michigan and the Harvard School of Public Health looked at how exposure to the chemical Bisphenol A affected the...

Expectant Moms Get Big Benefits from Probiotics!

When you’re pregnant it seems like everyone has some important bit of advice to give—do this, eat this, stay away from this—but really the keys to good health during pregnancy are a lot like any other day: follow a healthy diet and lifestyle, and the benefits are sure...