H: High Fiber-35 grams daily from 35 sources weekly

O: Omega-3 Oil -2,000 mg of Omega-3 oil daily

P: Probiotics- 60 Billion cultures from 60 diverse strains

E: Enzymes- 1 high potency enzyme with each meal

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“The HOPE Formula is one of the most compelling nutritional approaches to aid impaired digestion and balance the microbiome for a healthier and longer life.”
Get your daily HOPE Supplements and begin to live a vibrant and healthy life. Chose the kit that’s right for you or buy each supplement separately.

What is the HOPE Formula?
HOPE stands for High Fiber, Omega3 Oils, Probiotics and digestive Enzymes — Four of the most important nutrients that science universally acknowledges are critical to good health and longevity.
Development of the HOPE Formula
The formula was developed by Brenda Watson, CNC, who is one of the foremost dietary authorities, a N.Y. Times best-selling author and a health advocate who has spent the past 40 years researching and educating the public about the microbiome and it’s influence on physical and mental health.
Because the HOPE Formula supplies all 4 key nutrients required for optimum health, it supports:
- Digestive issues
- Heart Disease
- High Cholesterol
- Excessive blood sugar levels
- Weight management
- Brain fog