I love it when I hear from people who have taken my advice and to learn how they have personally benefitted from it. Just look at this incredible testimonial from a woman who decided to take her health into her own hands:

“I am writing to let you know that the Ultimate Flora probiotics you recommend not only helped me recover from a debilitating disease, but made it possible for me to continue nursing my baby. In 2004, I originally came down with Clostridium difficile colitis (C. diff) and spent six months in and out of doctor’s offices and hospitals trying to get cured. Every time a course of antibiotics (first Metronidazole, then Vancocin) would stop the symptoms, they would come back as soon as I went off. It wasn’t until I did my own research and tried tapering down the antibiotics while tapering up probiotics that I got rid of the disease. But, as has been known to happen, this year (2010) it returned, after the birth of my 3rd child. After a few days of symptoms, I had a feeling what might be wrong. Sure enough, a clinical test turned up positive for C. diff. I was told that I would need to start Metronidazole right away, and that it would no longer be safe for me to nurse my baby. I told the clinician to hold off on ordering the prescription, and let me try something first. I went to my local health food store and purchased Ultimate Flora Super Critical (200 billion cultures) probiotics. After two weeks of Super Critical therapy, my symptoms were mostly gone. Two more months of daily maintenance on Critical Care (50 billion cultures), and I had no more symptoms at all. I have not relapsed in the 6 months since this happened. I am completely confident that nothing short of the Super Critical product you recommend could have cured this virulent disease. I have you to thank for my health, and that of my baby, who is still nursing at 7 months.” ~ Rachel P., Maryland

Please note C. diff is a very serious, often fatal condition and should only be treated under the care of a qualified physician. Most physicians are now treating C. diff with a combination of probiotics and antibiotics.