Weight loss is one of the biggest concerns of, well, most of us. With over two-thirds of people in the United States overweight and one-third obese, weight loss is a big issue. I have always said that diet is the main factor of addressing any health issue, and weight loss is certainly included. I have also said that a healthy gut is the foundation upon which total body health is built, so gut function must be optimized before true weight control can be attained—and maintained!

Once diet and digestion are addressed, sometimes we still need a bit of a boost when it comes to weight loss, especially at the beginning. One ingredient that has received a lot of attention for weight loss support is green coffee bean. Even Dr. Oz has sung its praises. The weight loss benefits of green coffee bean extract are attributed to the chlorogenic acid contained in the bean, which is broken down when the beans are roasted. (So you won’t lose weight just by drinking coffee—sorry.)

A study back in March added to the scientific support behind green coffee bean extract. In the study, obese or overweight individuals aged 22–26 years took 700 mg or 1,050 mg of the extract daily for 22 weeks. These dosages are higher than those of other studies on the extract, but researchers wanted to see if higher dosage improved results.

The participants’ diet and exercise regimens were carefully monitored and did not differ over the course of the study. Participants lost 17 pounds and saw a 16 percent decrease in body fat over the course of the study. Further studies will be needed to confirm the results in a larger group, but these results are certainly promising. Look for green coffee bean extract (or decaffeinated coffee bean extract) if you are looking for a jump start to your diet.