As of May 12th the first US state has banned the use of the chemical BPA in baby bottles. The state of Minnesota has ruled it illegal for manufacturers of baby bottles and sippy cups containing the toxic chemical BPA to sell them to retailers in the state. Similar bans are under consideration in California, New York and Connecticut. A nationwide ban has been proposed to Congress.
I think this is the first step to the realization of how toxic this chemical is to human health. Just like with DDT it unfortunetly takes us (meaning the US government) 40 to 50 years to acknowledge the harmful health effects of a chemical we (meaning the US government) put into commercial circulation.
BPA, which is Bisphenol A, has been used in commerce for more than 50 years, even though the first evidence of it being hazardous to human health was shown in the 1930s. It is one among many chemicals used that is an endocrine disruptor, meaning it can mimic the body’s own hormones but with terrible health consequences. It is especially harmful to babies in early development. The ban of use of BPA in baby bottles is only the first step to ridding the environment and the human body of this chemical. It is a key component in the production of almost everything made of clear, hard plastic, as well as used in medical and dental devices, dental fillings and sealants, household electronics and coatings on the inside of almost all food and beverage cans.
The best thing for babies and young children is to avoid using or buying products containing BPA, such as the baby bottles, sippy cups, teething rings, pacifiers, and toys. There are many companies now that are making such items as BPA free.
For those adults also concerned about the health effects of this chemical, as we all should be, in addition to trying to avoid use of products with the chemical, consider a round of detoxification programs. This would be programs including Renew Life’s CleanseSMART, Liver Detox, and Kidney Cleanse products. These products can help stimulate the natural elimination of chemicals such as BPA from your body.
In the meantime, avoid buying BPA containing products, and keep your fingers crossed all of the United States will join Minnesota’s lead.