Wonder why American’s are plagued with Heartburn, Constipation and Bloating? Join me on CNN-TV at 9:00pm ET tonight with Joy Behar, Suzanne Somers, Dr. Andrew Weil and Kathy Griffin. Watch as I uncover the direct link between an unbalanced gut and weight gain, and how constipation, bloating and heartburn are just a few of the warning signs of bigger problems down the line. I will be joining Suzanne Somers, who is guest hosting the show to promote her informative and inspiring new book, Sexy Forever: How to Fight Fat after Forty – Shed the Toxins, Shed the Fat.

I was one of the main contributors of Suzanne’s new book, helping her understand the complexities of the gut as it pertains to weight loss. Like most of Suzanne’s other books, this is sure to be a New York Times best seller (already at #15 on Amazon).

Look for me in the second segment, right after Dr. Andrew Weil. For more information, here’s a link to Joy’s show: http://joybehar.blogs.cnn.com/

It is sure to be a fun, exciting and eye-opening evening for all of you. Don’t miss it!