Here on our farm at Vital Planet black-eyed peas abound – perfect makings for my family soul food recipes! We are grateful that they are a flourishing part of our experimental summer crop.
Hot Florida summers aren’t terribly kind to many of our crops, however. Worms found our delicious cucumbers extremely delicious as well, so we’ve removed their tired limbs to the composter. Too hot and too late in the season had our tomatillos without fruit. Yes, in the composter too.
However our black-eyed peas, some lima beans and bush beans are continuing to produce, along with dandelion, baby lettuces, some parsley and arugula, all grown through hydroponic farming. The okra plants, fancy with their gorgeous flowers, are bursting forth mightily. You can almost stand and watch those babies grow! And we’ve even decided to plant some more mature peppers to see what might materialize.
So I decided that it was time for an ole fashioned Southern soul food treat for us all! I shucked black-eyed peas until I was cross-eyed and decided to make my Mama’s Famous Black-Eyed Peas recipe along with Daddy’s Favorite Cake of Cornbread! There wasn’t an evening in my house growing up where that delicious cake wasn’t on the table – not if Mama wanted Daddy to be happy.
I know that black-eyed peas tend to be a New Year’s treat, but since they’re still in growing season, I just had to share these time-tested, beloved Southern recipes with you right here. Please let me know how you like them and remember, on our Skinny Gut Diet, this is a special treat, not regular fare!
My Mama’s Famous Black-eyed Peas
- Approximately 1/2 – 3 cups dried or fresh shelled black-eyed peas
- 2 tablespoons bacon fat
- 4 strips of crisp bacon – crumbled/ham hock or a piece of salt pork
- 1 small onion – chopped
- 1 tablespoon garlic – chopped
- 1 tablespoon red pepper flakes
- 1 tablespoon black pepper
Sautee chopped onions and garlic in bacon fat.
Add in peas and enough water to just cover the mixture.
Crumble in bacon (or add ham).
Add pepper.
Bring to a hard boil for 10 minutes.
Turn down to simmer for about 40 minutes or until peas are soft.
Add more water if necessary – makes a great gravy!
My Daddy’s Favorite Cake of Cornbread
- 2 cups – Self rising cornmeal (gluten free/no flour).
- Follow directions on bag to make batter.
- I substitute 2 cups of buttermilk for the egg that’s suggested on the package.
- Few tablespoons of oil.
Preheat oven to 425 degrees.
Put about 1 tablespoon oil in an iron skillet and spread oil around the skillet, including up onto the sides. I used an oil that was a coconut and canola combo.
Pour the batter in the skillet and place on top of stove at low heat. Watch the batter closely!
When bubbles begin to form in the batter, take cornbread cake off stove and put in preheated oven for about 20-25 minutes.
Following this process will create cornbread that is crisp on the bottom as well as the top.
Once done, you’ll want to remove the entire cornbread from the skillet to cool. By the way, butter is delicious on top when warm!
Now it’s time to enjoy, and enjoy, and enjoy!
Happy 4th of July! I hope everyone has a pleasant and relaxing long weekend!