Omega-3 for Healthy Arteries in Smokers

One of the many detrimental effects of smoking is the harm it does to the arteries. When smoke enters the lungs, many of its harmful compounds enter the bloodstream damaging the arteries and leading to a condition known as endothelial dysfunction (dysfunction of the...

Fish Oil Blood Sugar Benefits

We now know that fat tissue is not simply a storage unit for fat, but is considered to be an organ in its own right. Fat tissue, or adipose tissue, has hormonal, metabolic, and inflammatory functions that play a role in many different areas of health and disease. The...

Immune Benefits of Omega-3 Fats

The immune benefits of omega-3 fats are generally described as their ability to quell inflammation by balancing the omega-3/omega-6 ratio. Omega-3 fats have an anti-inflammatory effect, and an excess amount of omega-6 fats have an inflammatory effect. Mistaken...

Krill Oil – Are We Being Misled?

The other day I was so pleased to see the message that I share on Heart of Perfect Health, my new PBS special, discussed from a different angle on the Dr. Oz Show.  The more this heart healthy message is broadcast, the healthier Americans will be! Dr. Sinatra, the...