Plastics Leach Toxins

  Plastic products are made with an array of toxic chemicals—different chemicals depending on the final function of the plastic. Sure, plastics are convenient, there is no doubt. But I have to say, we’ve gone overboard with our dependence on plastic products. A recent...

Is Your Night Light Making You Fat?

“Renew You” Challenge – Let’s start this week off right! This weekly challenge (I mean, opportunity!) can help set you off on the right foot for bringing health to this week and the many to follow. You could even add it to your calendar. Join us! A...

Who’s Confused About Avoiding Dairy?

Lactose intolerance. It’s one of those phrases we hear a lot, but the truth is, a lot of folks don’t really know what it means. Case in point? I was reading an article in the newspaper the other day in which the author concluded that most Americans misunderstand...