Antibacterial Soap a Good Thing? Think Again

  In this time of scary bacterial infections, antibacterial soap would seem a regular sink-side bottle. We are told that germs are bad—and many are—and that we need to scrub them away with antibacterial soaps, scrubs and sprays. Right? Well, not completely....

Omega-3 and Your Mouth

Omega-3 fatty acids are wonder nutrients that offer many benefits to the body, from head to toe. Now, even the mouth is included in the long list of body areas that function better after intake of omega-3s. A recent study found that a moderate, daily intake of the...

Constantly Taking Antibiotics Could Have Consequences

When you hear the word “antibiotics” I’m sure a lot of you think, “Hey, those are good for me—they help me feel better when I’m sick.” Right? And yes, you’re partly right, but there’s also a dark side to using antibiotics that a lot of people either don’t know or...

Let’s Hear it for Soluble Fiber!

So check this out, a new study is taking the benefits of soluble fiber to a whole new level! Recently scientists discovered that soluble fiber increases the anti-inflammatory compound interleukin-4 (IL-4) in the body when a bacterial infection occurs, which basically...