Successful Aging

As we get older it seems that staying healthy gets much more difficult. It’s harder to maintain a healthy weight. All forms of exercise seem more troublesome than they once were. And new health conditions seem to appear as the years add up. With so many people chasing...

Multivitamins May Prevent Cancer in Men

In general, I recommend that everyone take a multivitamin to be sure they are getting a balance of nutrients. Even the healthiest eaters can be lacking in certain nutrients so a multivitamin helps provide extra assurance. Multivitamins are the most commonly taken...

Up With Your Vitamin D Level

In 2010 the Institute of Medicine updated the recommended daily allowance (RDA) of vitamin D from 400 IU to 600 IU per day for adults up to age 70, and 800 IU per day for adults 71 years and older. While this update was a (tiny) step in the right direction, many...

Fish Oil for Muscles

  When omega-3 fish oil comes to mind, heart health is usually the first benefit attributed to it. Brain health and joint health are a close second and third. Did you know that omega-3s may also be helpful for your muscles? According to a recent study published...

Celiac Disease, Infertility and Pregnancy Loss

  The far-reaching effects of gluten sensitivity and celiac disease never cease to amaze me. So many conditions outside the gut are triggered by a reaction against gluten inside the gut. A recent study has brought to light one lesser-known effect of celiac...