by Brenda Watson | Nov 21, 2011 | General
I came across a neat flash animation video of digestion that can help you teach kids the basics about how their bodies utilize the foods they eat. Teaching kids early about how the body works, especially when it comes to digestion, can help them make better choices...
by Brenda Watson | Aug 3, 2011 | General
I recommend eating natural foods all the time because I know foods that don’t contain toxic ingredients are better for our bodies. If you eat meat, choose natural meats from animals that haven’t been treated with growth hormones and antibiotics. Now there are even...
by Brenda Watson | Nov 16, 2010 | General
Great news, folks! My long-time friend and colleague Dr. Leonard Smith will soon be joining our online community with regular guest blog posts about important topics like gut health, nutrition, colon hydrotherapy, natural detoxification and more. And who better to...
by Brenda Watson | Nov 10, 2010 | General
Okay, so maybe it isn’t a headline you expect to see very often, but lately things are changing, and I say they’re definitely changing for the better. More and more people are becoming aware of the vast numbers of microscopic bacteria living inside their bodies, and a...
by Brenda Watson | Oct 27, 2010 | General
Every time I read about a study like this my heart just breaks. So many kids today are diagnosed with ADHD, and to think that something inside our own homes might be contributing to the problem is really hard to hear. ADHD, or attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder,...