by lsmith | Apr 6, 2011 | General
We hear about toxins all around us—in the air, in the water, in the food, in our homes—but what about toxicity that comes from within? Think about your digestion. When you eat a big cheeseburger and fries with a milkshake, or a number of other foods found in the...
by Brenda Watson | Dec 6, 2010 | General
This week’s weekly challenge can help set you off on the right foot and in the right direction for bringing health to this week and the many to follow. In a recent eye-opening study, researchers from the University of Washington analyzed an array of scented...
by Brenda Watson | Jul 12, 2010 | General
Disclaimer: If you’re a vegetarian, you might want to skip this post! Okay, so we all know that red meat is not especially healthy for us. The saturated fat content alone is enough to clog our arteries, and experts having been telling us for a while now that a diet...