The Ups and Downs of Heart Health

  Optimum heart health involves paying attention to a lot of different factors. There’s cholesterol (but not just cholesterol—there’s good cholesterol, bad cholesterol, total cholesterol, oh my!), triglycerides, blood pressure, and inflammation markers like C-reactive...

Toxicity, Take Two: It’s in the Air We Breathe

Brenda and I have been talking for years about the toxic soup that we all live in. It’s in our food, in the water, in the air and in our own bodies. It’s impossible to completely avoid toxins, and that’s a problem, especially in light of the scientific evidence that...

Gut Bacteria – Let’s Break it Down

Did you know that you have more bacterial cells in your gut than you do the rest of the cells in your entire body? Did you know that the bacteria in your gut weigh four pounds (that’s as heavy as a brick)? Did you know that having the proper balance of gut...