by Brenda Watson | Jul 31, 2017 | Common Cold, Diet, Digestive Health, Environmental Toxins, Front Page, Gut Solutions, Human Microbiome, Immune System, Inflammation
Your immune system is a complex network made up of an array of cells and biological compounds that work together to keep you healthy as your body comes into contact with foreign “invaders” of all sorts—bacteria, viruses, fungi, allergens, toxins, and more. Your immune...
by Brenda Watson | Mar 7, 2017 | Adults, Antibiotics, Cancer, Digestive Health, Immune System, Preventable Issues, Probiotics & Gut Flora, Uncategorized
Since March is Colon Cancer Awareness Month I thought I would offer a series of posts this month focused on colon health. Initially, I would like to share with you some personal challenges that led me to the conclusion that your gut is the core of your health. As the...
by Brenda Watson | Sep 16, 2014 | Diet, Gluten
September is proving to be an exciting month for new book releases, including the newest book by renowned cardiologist Dr. William Davis—just released today! It’s called Wheat Belly Total Health (The Ultimate Grain-Free Health and Weight Loss Life Plan), and I highly...
by Brenda Watson | Sep 25, 2013 | General, Leaky Gut, Omega-3 & Fish Oil
Have you heard the term “leaky gut” but didn’t really understand what it meant? Recently I explained leaky gut in detail and how it relates to silent inflammation and heart disease on The American Health Journal, airing on Public Television in different markets...
by Brenda Watson | Sep 23, 2013 | Brain, Digestive Health, General
Personally, I’m a visual learner. If you’ve ever picked up one of my books, you’ll notice they’re filled with pictures. So when my team showed me this infographic explaining the intimate relationship between the brain and the gut that I talk about all the time, I was...