by Brenda Watson | Mar 4, 2015 | Diabetes, Human Microbiome
Type 1 diabetes involves the inability of beta cells in the pancreas to produce insulin, the hormone that regulates blood sugar levels. As a result, people with type 1 diabetes must take insulin injections and carefully monitor their food intake to properly regulate...
by Brenda Watson | Jul 11, 2014 | Inflammation, Obesity, Stress
When you encounter a perceived threat, your body reacts by activating the fight-or-flight response—your adrenals pump out stress hormones that put the body and mind into a hyperaware, ready-for-anything mode. Digestion shuts down and the cardiovascular system pumps up...
by Brenda Watson | Mar 24, 2014 | Adults, Cancer, Diabetes, General, Heart Disease, Obesity
You’ve probably heard of the Body Mass Index (BMI) before—you know, the number calculated from your weight and height that puts you either in the healthy weight, overweight, or obese category. It turns out that researchers have questioned the validity of the BMI as an...
by Brenda Watson | Jul 19, 2013 | General
Phthalates (pronounced THAL-ates) are chemicals added to plastics used in a wide array of household items from flooring to furniture, plates to plastic wrap, and kids’ toys to tubing. It’s everywhere. While once thought a harmless chemical, studies are continually...
by Brenda Watson | Apr 12, 2013 | General
Diagnosis of reflux in colicky infants is on the rise. Unfortunately, this means that doctor’s recommendation of acid-suppressing medication in infants is also on the rise. Is it that infants have more reflux than they did in the past, or are doctors overdiagnosing...