Banned Antibiotics Found In Chicken

In 2005 the FDA banned the use of a particular broad-spectrum (meaning effective against a broad range of microbes) antibiotic class—the fluoroquinolones—due to an alarming increase in the rate of resistance to Campylobacter bacteria. Yet, “In recent years, we’ve seen...

Physician Bias, or Pharmaceutical Influence?

  A team of researchers at Mayo Clinic recently uncovered an interesting physician bias regarding the diagnosis of the upper digestive conditions gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and functional dyspepsia (also known as indigestion). The two conditions can...

Autoimmune Disease and Toxins

  Autoimmune disease involves a process whereby the immune system mistakes part of the body as a foreign invader, and mounts an attack against it, damaging tissue. The most common autoimmune diseases include type 1 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis,...