The Super-Sizing of Our Children

Renew You Challenge Let’s start this week off right!   Weekly challenge (I mean opportunity!) to help set you off on the right foot and in the right direction for bringing health to your week. You could even add it to your calendar.  Join us!  Our children are being...

Change Your Habits

  Many of the foods we eat, and the ways in which we eat those foods, are the result of formed habits—that is, when you eat a certain snack at a certain time (say, chips in the afternoon); or when you eat a particular dessert each night in front of the television; or...

Standard American Diet in Toddlers = Lower IQ

As it turns out, 3-year-old children who consume a diet high in processed foods are more likely to have a lower IQ by the age of 8 when compared to children who eat either a traditional meat and potatoes diet, or a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, salads, rice and...

Obesity is Contagious!

For this week’s ‘Renew You’ Challenge, I decided to tackle something on everyone’s mind this time of year…those extra pounds many of us are carrying around. So, it turns out, obesity is contagious. No, not in the same way as getting...