Antimicrobials in Your Water?

Antimicrobial ingredients are added to a wide range of personal care and cleaning products to kill the germs, and, so we think, keep us safe. The reality is that the widespread use of these ingredients—most notably triclosan and triclocarban—is thought to contribute...

Environmental Estrogens Affect Women’s Health

Environmental estrogens are those chemicals that mimic estrogen in the body when ingested from outside sources. Chemicals that mimic estrogen—and there are many—are known as endocrine disrupting chemicals because they interfere with hormone (endocrine) function....

Antibacterial Ingredients and Allergies

Renew You Challenge Let’s start this week off right! Here is your newest weekly challenge (I mean opportunity!) to help set you off on the right foot and in the right direction for bringing health to your week. You could even add it to your calendar. Join us!  Germs...