Drink Filtered Water

It was recently reported by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) that tap water in over 30 U.S. cities contains hexavalent chromium, a probable carcinogen. Hexavalent chromium is the chemical that was made famous by the movie Erin Brockovich. In the EWG study, tap...

Dangerous Pesticide Phase-Out Takes Eight Years!

After the Environmental Protection Agency put out a study on the pesticide aldicarb (brand name Temik) that found it posed a safety risk to infants and young children, the company producing it, Bayer, decided to phase it out. That’s the good news. The bad news is that...

It’s in the Air You Breathe

We all know air pollution is bad for you. That’s a fact. But it can be hard to determine just how bad it really is. There have been many studies that link air pollution to harmful health effects. Recently, a strong link between diabetes and air pollution was found,...

More Bad Press for BPA

Well folks, it looks like BPA is back in the news, and the news is not good. In one of the first studies of its kind, scientists from the University of Michigan and the Harvard School of Public Health looked at how exposure to the chemical Bisphenol A affected the...