by Brenda Watson | Sep 23, 2016 | Diabetes, Diet, Digestive Health, Heart Disease, Obesity, Sugar, The Skinny Gut Diet, Weight Loss
When I hear Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), I think of reports I’ve read on clinical trials, animal studies, and information that impacts disease processes. Last Monday a very different type of study was released, as reported by the The New York...
by Brenda Watson | Feb 9, 2015 | Diet
Have you ever glanced at the Nutrition Facts label on packaged foods and been confused about what you should be looking for? Do you find it difficult to figure out how much sugar is natural or added in the product you purchased? Does the percent Daily Value total trip...
by Brenda Watson | Nov 17, 2014 | Diet, Sugar, Weight Loss
We are all familiar with the enticing pull of sugar—sweet desserts, succulent fruits, and refreshing juices have graced our lips on numerous occasions. If you are among the many who fear you could never give up your sweet treats, I have a book for you. I Quit Sugar by...
by Brenda Watson | Jul 11, 2014 | Inflammation, Obesity, Stress
When you encounter a perceived threat, your body reacts by activating the fight-or-flight response—your adrenals pump out stress hormones that put the body and mind into a hyperaware, ready-for-anything mode. Digestion shuts down and the cardiovascular system pumps up...
by Brenda Watson | May 19, 2014 | Breastfeeding, Obesity
Although many studies have linked breastfeeding to a protection against obesity, not all studies agree. A recent paper published in The Journal of Pediatrics sought to determine why this might be. They considered one important factor that previous studies had not—the...