by Brenda Watson | Feb 19, 2016 | Adults, Diet, Digestive Health, General, Household, Mental Health, The Skinny Gut Diet, Weight Loss
February seems to bring out the organizing, aligning, revising side of my personality. Maybe it’s the new year, or maybe it’s the coming of spring – I’m just ready to clear the clutter and move forward! Even in the midst of chaos, the kitchen has always been one place...
by Brenda Watson | Oct 16, 2015 | Adults, Children, Digestive Health, General, Human Microbiome, Immune System, Probiotics & Gut Flora, Weight Loss
You may have seen my newsletter this week where I discuss the low-fat misinformation that set so many of us on the SAD way of eating! (Standard American Diet). Contrary to the assertions of the Dietary Guidelines created in the 80’s, current research points out that...
by Brenda Watson | Oct 22, 2014 | Cancer, Human Microbiome
The diversity of your gut bacteria refers to the abundance of different types of microbes. As a rule, the more diverse your gut microbes, the healthier you are. A recent study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism further supports this...
by lsmith | Jul 2, 2014 | Children, Diet, Human Microbiome, Probiotics & Gut Flora
Malnutrition (severe or moderate acute malnutrition) affects 23 percent of children in developing countries.1 The World Health Organization estimates that malnutrition is the cause of one-third of all child deaths.2 Malnutrition, or inadequate nutrition, manifests...
by Brenda Watson | Feb 24, 2014 | General, Probiotics & Gut Flora, Weight Loss
In addition to their role in supporting digestive and immune health, scientists have been looking at the link between probiotics and weight loss—and a new study out of Canada shows these good bacteria may indeed help us shed those extra pounds and keep them off....