by Brenda Watson | May 15, 2015 | Adults, Conditions, Constipation, Diabetes, Digestive Health, Heart Disease, Metabolic Syndrome
I’ve been addressing constipation issues a lot recently, due to the fact that they seem epidemic in our country! And constipated people are very commonly magnesium deficient. It’s been really great to interact with the people on the Skinny Gut Facebook group – and...
by Brenda Watson | Jan 2, 2015 | Depression, Diet, Omega-3 & Fish Oil
The mental health benefits of high fish intake are well known, particularly when it comes to fatty fish high in the omega-3s EPA and DHA. For this reason, some researchers have investigated the effects of fish and fish oil intake on mental health conditions, including...
by Brenda Watson | Dec 1, 2014 | Environmental Toxins, Omega-3 & Fish Oil
I often talk about the importance of eating fish high in omega-3. And I also recommend that fish high in mercury be avoided. To optimize omega-3 intake and also minimize mercury intake, there are three main fish that I have recommended over the years: salmon,...
by Brenda Watson | Nov 5, 2014 | Brain, Children, Diet, Omega-3 & Fish Oil
Omega-3 fats are known to be beneficial to brain health, especially the omega-3 fat DHA (docosahexaenoic acid). DHA is found in cold-water fatty fish and in algae, and can be obtained by consuming fish high in DHA (salmon, sardines, and herring, in particular), fish...
by Brenda Watson | Aug 15, 2014 | Joints, Omega-3 & Fish Oil
You may have heard that omega-3 fats are good for your joints—and you’re right, particularly when it comes to inflammation. Most studies investigating omega-3 for joint health have looked at rheumatoid arthritis, an autoimmune disease that causes inflammation in the...