Antimicrobials in Your Water?

Antimicrobial ingredients are added to a wide range of personal care and cleaning products to kill the germs, and, so we think, keep us safe. The reality is that the widespread use of these ingredients—most notably triclosan and triclocarban—is thought to contribute...

Antibacterial Soap a Good Thing? Think Again

  In this time of scary bacterial infections, antibacterial soap would seem a regular sink-side bottle. We are told that germs are bad—and many are—and that we need to scrub them away with antibacterial soaps, scrubs and sprays. Right? Well, not completely....

Cleanliness is Next to Allergy-ness

What would you say if I told you that kids who were more exposed to germs and dirt have fewer allergies than those raised in so-called “hygienic environments”? It’s true! Studies prove that children raised in developing countries and who are more exposed to bacteria...

Antibiotic Resistance, What Can I Do?

Think about it, when was the last time you washed your hands with soap that wasn’t antibacterial? Heck, it’s almost impossible just to find normal soap these days, and instead every label and package screams “antibacterial” in a way that makes plain old soap seem...