Gallstone Risk in Obese Children

Childhood obesity is growing at epidemic rates. Over one-third of children and adolescents are overweight or obese. Unfortunately, the result of this epidemic is the appearance of health conditions in children that were previously only found in adults, conditions such...

Girls and Boys Entering Puberty Younger than Ever

We’ve known for quite a while now that girls are beginning menstruation at a younger age than ever. I’ve blogged about the link between increased exposure to hormone-disrupting chemicals and decreased age of menstruation in girls before. It looks like girls are not...

BPA and Children, Heart Disease, and Canned Food

I blog often about the harmful effects of bisphenol A (BPA) because this harmful chemical is found in over 90 percent of people in the U.S., and it has been linked to an array of health conditions. BPA is a hormone disruptor. That is, it acts as an estrogen imposter,...

Seven-year-old Girls Becoming Women

Girls are hitting puberty at an increasingly younger age. A recent study published in the journal Pediatrics found that about 15 percent of girls studied had already begun breast development by age seven. The median age for breast development has dropped from age 10.9...