Get to the Bottom of Your Gas and Bloating

We have all experienced gas and bloating to some extent, but many of us experience it on a regular basis. The trouble is, gas and bloating are symptoms of a wide range of digestive conditions. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), lactose intolerance, Candida overgrowth,...

Multi-Strain Probiotics for Irritable Bowel Syndrome

There are over 1000 species of bacteria that naturally occur in the human digestive tract. A high diversity of bacteria is characteristic of a healthy gut balance. Increasingly, researchers and doctors are recommending multi-strain probiotic formulas to reflect the...

My Review Of The Wheat Belly Cookbook

I was honored to interview Dr. William Davis for my newest book, Heart of Perfect Health last year. You may have heard of him, as he’s been featured on television programs from CBS This Morning to The Dr. Oz Show .  Dr. Davis is a preventive cardiologist and author of...

Magnesium and Your Colon

Magnesium is a mineral necessary to every organ in the body. Whole grains, nuts, and leafy green vegetables are particularly rich in magnesium, and although many foods contain magnesium, most people do not consume enough of this essential mineral. Further, certain...