Omega-3 Fish Oil for Depression in Elderly Women

Depression is a common condition in the elderly, yet it often goes unrecognized or untreated. Treatment of depression may involve addressing an underlying physical illness that is causing the depression, stopping a medication that causes depression, use of...

Antibiotics Often Unnecessary for Ear Infection

Unnecessary antibiotic use is a common practice, especially in pediatric medicine. Children with ear infections are often prescribed antibiotics, which often aren’t necessary. A recent analysis of 135 published studies found that most kids who see a doctor for ear...

Medicated Hearts

The recommended prescription medication for high cholesterol is usually statin drugs. These drugs are widely prescribed for people with high total cholesterol, and particularly those with high LDL (bad) cholesterol levels. Recently, it was recommended that people with...

Too Much Fat, Sugar Linked to ADHD in Kids

You know the old saying, “You are what you eat”? Well, take it from me, it’s true! Just giving your body the right nutrients every day can make a big difference when it comes to staying healthy, and that’s what scientists in Australia are saying after studying more...