by Brenda Watson | Jan 12, 2011 | General
Wonder why American’s are plagued with Heartburn, Constipation and Bloating? Join me on CNN-TV at 9:00pm ET tonight with Joy Behar, Suzanne Somers, Dr. Andrew Weil and Kathy Griffin. Watch as I uncover the direct link between an unbalanced gut and weight gain, and how...
by Brenda Watson | Aug 27, 2010 | General
Did you ever stop to think that all those bottles in your medicine cabinet might not be as safe as you thought? Well, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but it’s true. Just because your doctor prescribed it or you found it on the shelf at the pharmacy doesn’t mean...
by Brenda Watson | May 10, 2010 | General
Last week I told you about a new report just released by the President’s Cancer Panel—a panel of experts created in 1971 to keep the president informed about the activities of the National Cancer Program. It’s a 200-page report that warns about the dangers of...
by Brenda Watson | May 7, 2010 | General
I know I spend a lot of time talking about toxins—so much so that you might even wish I’d talk about something a little more positive once in a while. But then I read something like this and I’m reminded of just how important it is to help people understand the danger...