Multivitamins May Prevent Cancer in Men

In general, I recommend that everyone take a multivitamin to be sure they are getting a balance of nutrients. Even the healthiest eaters can be lacking in certain nutrients so a multivitamin helps provide extra assurance. Multivitamins are the most commonly taken...

Save Your Colon!

Colorectal (bowel) cancer is the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the U.S. The lifetime risk in men for developing colorectal cancer is one in 19. In women it’s one in 20. Those are some scary stats when you think about it! A few lifestyle factors are...

Start Walking, America!

“Renew You” Challenge – Be a part of my Weekly Challenge to help set you off in the right direction for bringing health to your week. This week we’re talking about walking! Okay, confession time: How many times have you circled a parking lot in...

Drink Water, Lose Weight. No Kidding!

“Renew You” Challenge – Let’s start this week off right! Be a part of my Weekly Challenge (I mean, opportunity!) to help set you off on the right foot and in the right direction for bringing health to your week. Take a few seconds and think about all...