Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free Diet for Autism

 Well, well, well. I always find it funny how long it takes research to catch up with the rest of us. Don’t get me wrong, I love that research is now validating many things we in the natural health field have been saying for decades, but I also find it humorous. At...

Antibiotics, Probiotics or Both for C. diff?

On May 27, 2011 a New York Times article reports that Sherwood Gorbach, a 71 year doctor, has been instrumental in the development of a new antibiotic, Dificid, also known as fidaxomicin, for treating C. difficle (C. diff) diarrhea. Dr. Gorbach spent most of his...

Gluten Sensitivity—Not Just a Fad

I’m really excited about a couple of new studies on gluten sensitivity. I have been talking about this condition for so long, knowing that it contributes to many different health conditions in the body. The science is only beginning to scratch the surface of what...