Immune Benefits of Omega-3 Fats

The immune benefits of omega-3 fats are generally described as their ability to quell inflammation by balancing the omega-3/omega-6 ratio. Omega-3 fats have an anti-inflammatory effect, and an excess amount of omega-6 fats have an inflammatory effect. Mistaken...

Fat Is Not the Enemy—It’s a Nutrient

Renew You Challenge Let’s start this week off right! Here is your newest weekly challenge (I mean opportunity!) to help set you off on the right foot and in the right direction for bringing health to your week. You could even add it to your calendar. Join us!  The...

NASA Studies Bone-building Properties of Omega-3s

Omega-3s in space?? How cool! As if the health benefits of Omega-3 essential fatty acids weren’t impressive enough, now scientists are looking into the possible bone-building properties of Omega-3s for astronauts. Because of the weightlessness astronauts endure, bone...