Toxin Exposure and Loss of IQ in Children

Three toxins that have been found to affect children’s developing brains and nervous systems—lead, organophosphate pesticides, and mercury—have been found to impact children’s IQ in the overall population, according to a recent study published online in the journal...

Plastics Leach Toxins

  Plastic products are made with an array of toxic chemicals—different chemicals depending on the final function of the plastic. Sure, plastics are convenient, there is no doubt. But I have to say, we’ve gone overboard with our dependence on plastic products. A recent...

What Smoking Does to Your Looks

If the harmful health effects of smoking aren’t enough to get you (or someone you know) to kick the habit, how about what it will do to your looks over time? This link to the WebMD slideshow “Surprising Ways Smoking Affects Your Looks and Life” might make you think...

More Evidence Linking Toxins to ADHD in Kids

Every time I read about a study like this my heart just breaks. So many kids today are diagnosed with ADHD, and to think that something inside our own homes might be contributing to the problem is really hard to hear. ADHD, or attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder,...

More Chemicals, More Bad News

A lot of folks ask me where I find the time to stay up to date with current health news when I’m constantly traveling. The truth is, it isn’t always easy, but information sources like the Environmental Health Perspectives journal are a huge help. EHP helps raise...