Autoimmune Disease and Toxins

  Autoimmune disease involves a process whereby the immune system mistakes part of the body as a foreign invader, and mounts an attack against it, damaging tissue. The most common autoimmune diseases include type 1 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis,...

Antibacterial Soap a Good Thing? Think Again

  In this time of scary bacterial infections, antibacterial soap would seem a regular sink-side bottle. We are told that germs are bad—and many are—and that we need to scrub them away with antibacterial soaps, scrubs and sprays. Right? Well, not completely....

Soluble Fiber and Exercise Reduce Belly Fat

  An interesting study published in the journal Obesity points out that eating more soluble fiber, like that from apples and beans, and moderate exercise will selectively decrease belly fat.1 The authors don’t seem to know why it is selective to belly fat,...

Pesticide Exposure—From Prenatal to Parkinson’s

  I often blog about the widespread negative effects of chemicals and pesticides. We live in a toxic soup, and the more people realize that, the more likely they will be to make changes. Ultimately, the more natural products and services you buy, the more those...

Stress and Your Gut

Renew You Challenge Let’s start this week off right! Weekly challenge (I mean, opportunity!) to help set you off on the right foot and in the right direction for bringing health to your week. You could even add it to your calendar. Join us! I talk all the time about...