Antibiotics, Probiotics or Both for C. diff?

On May 27, 2011 a New York Times article reports that Sherwood Gorbach, a 71 year doctor, has been instrumental in the development of a new antibiotic, Dificid, also known as fidaxomicin, for treating C. difficle (C. diff) diarrhea. Dr. Gorbach spent most of his...

Taking Antibiotics for a Bad Cold? Not so Good.

Over-prescription of antibiotics contributes to antibiotic resistance and affects the ability of bacteria to survive antibiotic treatment.  That’s very important because if antibiotics do not work for infections, there isn’t much else that will.  Now that’s scary! A...

Diarrhea + Probiotics = Less Suffering

A recent Cochrane Systematic Review, which involves an extensive review of the scientific literature, found that probiotics are effective at reducing diarrhea. The results were similar across all 63 different trials that were analyzed. A separate review was done for...