Healthy Colon Action Steps for a Happy Life!

There are many ways to look directly at the gut connection to cancer. I believe the most important information you can receive is how to support and maintain a healthy colon. I realize now that in these four posts honoring Colon Cancer Awareness Month I have only...

Toxins in Women of Childbearing Age

A recent study published in the journal Environmental Perspectives found that over half the women of childbearing age have higher levels of two out of three major pollutants: lead, mercury, and PCBs. Almost 23 percent of the women met or exceeded median levels of...

Cracking the Gut Microbial Code: Are We There Yet?

“In the future, when you walk into a doctor’s surgery or hospital, you could be asked not just about your allergies and blood group, but also about your gut type.” This is a quote from ScienceDaily (Apr. 21, 2011) referring to a recent article in Nature...

Healthy Weight Management for the New Year

We have survived another big holiday season! Unfortunately, we may find an unfriendly scale when we return the gym. For many the scale can reveal a five- or even 10-pound weight gain. January is a time for many people to restart a diet program, but most diet seekers...