Energize, Power Up! through Breath and Movement

Energize, Power Up! through Breath and Movement

Today I’d like to focus on the second E in the RENEW Total Body Detox program as you Energize your entire body – and by that I mean your immune system as well as your mind and spirit. Listen closely – I don’t encourage you to add new movement programs into...

Mineral Toxins and Autoimmunity—What Can We Do?

A recent article from the Journal of Environment International showed a significant connection between elevated blood mercury levels and autoimmune antibodies to parts of the thyroid gland, specifically thyroglobulin.1 Thyroglobulin is a protein made in the thyroid...

Celiac Disease, Infertility and Pregnancy Loss

  The far-reaching effects of gluten sensitivity and celiac disease never cease to amaze me. So many conditions outside the gut are triggered by a reaction against gluten inside the gut. A recent study has brought to light one lesser-known effect of celiac...

Celiac Increasing in Elderly

Celiac disease is an autoimmune disease involving a reaction in the gut to gliadin, the gluten protein found in wheat, barley and rye. This gut reaction destroys the body’s own intestinal lining cells, a process known as autoimmunity. The treatment of celiac disease...