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In this video blog I discuss how the Director of the Bay Country Health Department was recently asked to resign. Why? Well, it seems that his opinion that doughnuts was not acceptable to his boss at the Florida Health Department. What did he say? What other foods does he warn against? Tune in and find out…

Full Script:
After reading a recent article in USA today, I have to say I am a little outraged at the treatment of a young doctor in Pensacola Florida recently. Dr. Jason Newman, a former army doctor who served in Iraq, was recently forced to resign his position as Director of the Bay County Health Department. The reason? He came down to hard on doughnuts, yes you heard me right, on doughnuts. His job at the health department was to educate the public about health issues.

Being a health advocate in a county where 39% of the population is overweight or obese, he began posting health warnings on an electronic sign outside his office, such as “Hamburger equals Spare Tire” and “French Fries equals Thunder Thighs”. Well, he apparently went to far when he parodied Dunkin Donuts slogan by posting up the warning “America Dies on Dunkin”, and barring doughnuts from department meetings and announcing he would throw them away if he saw them in the break room.

Little did he know the County Commissioner owns a diner and a donut shop, as well, two prominent local attorneys owned the new Dunkin Donuts at the beach. After threatening to be sued, his bosses at the Florida Health Department told him he had the choice of being fired or resigning. He chose to resign.

So I guess they should have told him on hiring that he can educate the public about health, just don’t say anything bad about fast food or doughnuts in particular. Cause we got some donut lovin people round these parts!

And this is what is backwards about this country, someone in the Health Department getting forced to resign by trying to get people to cut back on sweets and eat healthier. There are over 10 billion donuts consumed by Americans each year and it is no secret that a diet high in processed foods like donuts can lead to diabetes, obesity and other health problems.

All I can say is – Wake Up America and thank you Dr. Newman for speaking out.