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In this video blog I discuss a recent article in the USA Today. The article, “Opposing Camps Agree on Rewriting Toxin Law” is based on the news that the American Chemistry Council and environmentalist groups agree that the current law governing toxins is “badly broken” and does not protect the public. What is the Toxic Substances Control Act? Is your family being exposed to dangerous chemicals? Tune in to find out the answer to these questions and more…
Full Script:
I read an article this morning in the USA Today entitled “Opposing Camps Agree on Rewriting Toxin Law”. This article was based on the news that the American Chemistry Council, which represents chemical manufacturers, and environmentalist groups such as the Environmental Working Group agree that the current law governing toxins is “badly broken” and does not protect the public as it should.
Both sides agreed that this law, called the Toxic Substances Control Act has not kept up with science and needs to be rewritten. It seems the EPA has used the law to ban or severely restrict only about 6 chemicals in the last 30 years.
Rewriting this law will give the EPA more money and power to ban dangerous substances. According to the American Chemistry Council’s president, “It is clear that many in the public, for a variety of reasons, do not have a lot of confidence in the current system and …that rewriting this law will help to restore confidence.”
At least it is nice that he realizes every day the general public is growing more and more concerned with the devastating effects of all the chemicals in our environment and in our bodies. How can you possibly have confidence in a system that continues to allow some of the most dangerous toxic substances to be forced upon us. In the past it has taken decades to get a toxic chemical out of the market.
Let’s hope this new law will be more stringent and help protect both our environment and our health.