I was thrilled to read about the recipient of the Nobel Prize in Medicine this year – Japanese biologist Yohinori Ohsumi. His research is based in thought processes after my own heart! He is explaining how our body’s cells deal with and recycle waste (as in detox!) and it seems this information is paving the way for treatments of many diseases down the line. Not surprising to me.
Dr. Ohsumi’s work is on a process you may not have heard about – autophagy. That literally means “self-eating” – and it helps us understand how cellular components are broken down and then recycled. Our cells do this constantly. See, recycling is not new – nothing is new under the sun.
And how exciting is this? Due to autophagy cells literally convert waste to energy and also building blocks for the renewal of other parts of cells. As always, our bodies are truly magnificent~
As reported in the Wall Street Journal, Dr. Ohsumi shared that his research area was important because cells couldn’t function without “quality control” and a way of repurposing what was no longer functional. We are learning that same lesson the hard way as we rush to find ways to revitalize our polluted oceans and waterways.
In the researcher’s own words – “Life is possible only with this extremely important recycling system. We create proteins and destroy them, and again create and destroy, and that’s what makes life exist.”
I have to say I truly admire Dr. Ohsumi’s extraordinarily humble attitude as well as his unswerving focus on this seemingly lowly biological process, rather than gearing his research toward chasing the almighty dollar.
Personally, I find it interesting that Dr. Ohsumi mentioned that he started his research in what people viewed as garbage collection, when other esteemed colleagues didn’t have much interest and couldn’t see the value in the study of degradation of proteins.
I feel a kinship with the Doctor. My work was started in colon hydrotherapy – yes, helping people to literally remove waste from their colons to achieve much better health. In fact, my first product was formulated specifically to help people to relieve themselves of parasites, along with pathogenic bacteria and yeast. Through the years, thousands have found this formula a very effective way to eliminate garbage from their bodies while freeing more energy for repair and regeneration. Like Dr. Ohsumi, when I started out, people really didn’t want to talk much about their poop, didn’t think it was important. Many still don’t.
Just a few years ago my assistant attended a scientific pediatric medical conference. A well know medical doctor delivered a presentation to M.D.s on managing parasitic infections. Only pharmacological options were offered. My assistant asked why there was no information shared about the herbal preparations that had been used not only by me but also by countless populations around the globe for eons. He answered that there hadn’t been any research done to prove the efficacy of such formulations.
How sad. Relief for so many people everywhere is restricted by the money-grubbing choices of controlling financial entities. Much research in the past has been targeted to prove what will bring the most money to the funding source. There’s not a lot of cash in researching black walnut hulls or wormwood unless some pharmaceutical company discovers how to butcher the original DNA to create a new substance they can then patent and monetize.
My prayers are that the studies of Dr. Ohsumi and many others like him are heralding a new era of research. I believe it’s time we look into the true working of our bodies on a much deeper level. Let’s not be put off by “waste products” (as Dr. Ohsumi has shown are so important) or for that matter, “poop”! What may at first seem like garbage can provide us with critical information about essential processes that can support ongoing health and vitality for ourselves – and for our planet.