Great news, folks! My long-time friend and colleague Dr. Leonard Smith will soon be joining our online community with regular guest blog posts about important topics like gut health, nutrition, colon hydrotherapy, natural detoxification and more. And who better to give us advice about keeping our bodies and our digestive systems in good shape?
Dr. Smith has spent his career helping people live healthier through things like good digestion and diet, and he is a true mentor and an inspiration to me. He spent many years as a gastrointestinal surgeon before beginning his own successful private practice, and his knowledge of natural healing therapies is both impressive and inspiring. I have had the privilege of working side by side with Dr. Smith while writing several of my books, and I’m so excited he’ll soon be joining us here on Welcome, Dr. Smith!
I have had severe chronic constipation for over 4 years. I have been to 6 gastro DR’s…to no avail. One said I had IBS. ( I have given only one stool sample as the other Gastro DR’s I saw never even asked for one) I do not have celtic disease and they say they can find nothing wrong with me. All kinds of blood work has been ran and they still say they can find nothing. I am not to sure what they are testing with these tests but something I know… is not right within my body, my gut and its normal functions. I stay tired, very fatigued all the time have brain fog, have severe bloating and feel nauseated many times. I also have been diag. with fibromyalgia. I am at my wits end. They have ran so many tests including a colonoscopy and they have scoped my stomach and say they see nothing wrong. One says I produce too much acid in my stomach, another Gastro DR says I do not produce enough acid! I am “beyond” exhausted with seeing DR’s to say the least. I mention probotics to them and they just sluff me off. I mention a yeast infection I get the same reaction. I also have been under a great deal of stress and anxiety for several years ( both of my parents death, also with on going problems within my marriage.) I have tried laxatives and they work, but only for a day or two , then I am back to not going to the bathroom at all for days( 3-5) and when I do go all I pass are a very few small hard nodules. I have ordered your “entire collection” of books , CD’s etc… on NPT today. I do not know what brand of probotic to take nor what kind or how much I need. I am female, 58 years old and need some help to get my life back. NOT just be looked at by a DR and told “there is nothing wrong with you”, telling me “all your tests are clear”. I have asked to be tested for a yeast infection or a bacterial infection of some kind…. and the Gastro DR’s just look at me and say “it is not Yeast or a bacterial problem.” Only “one” Gastro DR (I have seen 6 of them over the past few years) has even taken a stool sample “to” test. They said I had a little fat that showed up.. but nothing to cause the problems I complain of. I would also like to ask “what do you think of the medication Rifaximin” ? A friend of mine was just prescribed the medication… she and I have similiar problems with our digestive tracts. This was the 10th Gastro DR she has seen over several years. Nothing we have been given before… as with me, has helped us at all. Many times we are given the same medications … she lives over a thousand miles from me, so not seeing the same Gastro DR’s at all. I, as she have been given one drug after the other ,they have not helped at all. I have taken nothing for over a year for it did not help. (I took it as prescribed for the period of time prescribed and no change.) (My friend just started taking the Rifaximin about 4 days ago). Any assistance or guidence of any kind would be greatly appreciated.. I can not wait to receive your entire collection of Books and CD’s in the mail . They said it would take 6-8 weeks. Is there any suggestions you can give me on what brand I should take of a probotic to get me started….. before the next two months pass as I wait on your books , to get me on my way back to better gut health? Thank you , Atty