Thank you for being a PBS donor.
We would like to take a moment to express our sincerest gratitude for your generous contribution to PBS. Your support is vital to our mission of providing high-quality, educational programming to audiences across the country.
If you’ve made a $20 monthly sustainer pledge or a $240 annual pledge to PBS, you’ll be receiving your thank you gift consisting of the HOPE Chest Collection. The HOPE Collection includes a coupon that is redeemable here for your free 30-day supply of Vital Gut Boost, Free HOPE DVD’s, three helpful books by Brenda Watson, 12-months of free access to Brenda Watson Education Center and more.
Please keep an eye on your mailbox in the coming weeks for your HOPE Chest collection that includes the redeemable coupon for a free 30-day supply of Vital Gut Boost.
Thank you again for your generosity and support!