Airborne Fungus and Parasite Poop, Oh My!

It really wouldn’t be my blog with a good fungus or poop reference every now and then, so here’s the latest news from around the country about a couple of the things we try not to think about all that often…but that can have a pretty big impact on our health. In the...

Cleanliness is Next to Allergy-ness

What would you say if I told you that kids who were more exposed to germs and dirt have fewer allergies than those raised in so-called “hygienic environments”? It’s true! Studies prove that children raised in developing countries and who are more exposed to bacteria...

FDA Moves to Limit Antibiotic Use in Animals

It’s a scary thing to think about: the meat industry giving antibiotics to livestock in order to increase food production and profit. But it happens all too often, and the result has been a serious impact on human health. Decades of unnecessary drugs being pumped into...