by Brenda Watson | Dec 19, 2012 | General
The other day I was so pleased to see the message that I share on Heart of Perfect Health, my new PBS special, discussed from a different angle on the Dr. Oz Show. The more this heart healthy message is broadcast, the healthier Americans will be! Dr. Sinatra, the...
by lsmith | Dec 12, 2012 | General
Two of the most well-known beneficial effects of omega-3 fish oils are the improvements of cardiovascular and cognitive (heart and brain) health. These two benefits are usually investigated separately in studies, but a recent study published in the Nutrition Journal1...
by Brenda Watson | Nov 23, 2012 | General
With a national adult obesity rate of over 35 percent and over two-thirds of the country either obese or overweight, there has been a major push toward educating people about the health risks of being overweight with particular focus on the harmful effects of the...
by Brenda Watson | Oct 15, 2012 | General
Do you ever reach for a chocolate bar when you’re down? Well, you’re not alone and there is good reason for it—chocolate has positive effects on mood. But that’s not all. Chocolate also has beneficial effects on brain performance and the heart. Chocolate contains a...
by Brenda Watson | Aug 13, 2012 | General
SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT ONE DAY ONLY! One day only, exclusively in the Atlanta area, there will be a SNEAK PREVIEW of my new PBS television health special: Watch LIVE on your Local PBS Affiliate Station (PBA30) Heart of Perfect Health The Startling Truths About Heart...