Air Pollution and Heart Health

 Most people know that a diet high in bad fats (saturated and trans fats) and low in dietary fiber can lead to heart disease. But did you know that air pollution is also a risk factor? Of particular concern is the particulate matter (PM) or particle pollution, which...

Paraben Toxins Detected in 92% of People Tested

Toxins, toxins, everywhere…or so it seems, right? Especially when I read a story like the one I read the other day about how parabens were found in 92% of people who participated in a recent study. And in case you didn’t know, parabens are in just about everything. So...

Low-dose Pesticide Exposure Linked to ADHD in Children

We’d all like to think we’re safe from harmful pesticides as long as we wash our fruits and veggies really well, but a recent study featured in the journal Pediatrics brings to light just how harmful pesticide exposure can be…especially for our kids. Funded in part by...