Taking care of your digestive tract is a lot like taking care of your car. In other words, it requires regular maintenance to keep it running in tip-top shape, and part of that maintenance includes making sure it gets the nutritional support it needs to function at its best every day.

In addition to their role in healthy brain development and cardiovascular function, natural Omega oils derived from cold-water fish and other sources (such as certain nuts, seeds and leafy-green vegetables) play a vital role in helping to ensure optimum digestion and healthy bowel function.

Putting the “E” in EFAs

Essential fatty acids—EFAs, for short—belong to a group of unsaturated fats or “good fats” (Omega-3 & Omega-6 fatty acids) that provide a multitude of health benefits for the whole body. EFAs are considered essential because the body cannot produce them on its own. Therefore, they must be acquired through our daily diet.

Among the most important EFAs are the Omega-3 fats EPA and DHA, both of which are vital to optimum digestive function and overall health. Every time we eat a meal, the food we consume must eventually take a lengthy journey down the esophagus, into the stomach, and ultimately making its way through both the small and large intestines before being eliminated through the colon. However, several factors can impede this process and slow down the movement of food through the digestive tract—including too little fiber in the diet, a lack of exercise, and even the use of certain medications.As a result, undigested food can build up in the intestines, where it may then ferment and release harmful toxins that can lead to poor health.

That’s where Omega oils come in.

Daily supplementation with Omega oils provides the lubrication necessary to keep food moving smoothly and efficiently through the intestines, thereby encouraging regular, healthy bowel movements. What’s more, the beneficial oils provide needed nourishment for the cells in the intestinal lining. This in turn helps to strengthen the intestinal lining and prevent the passage of harmful toxins into the bloodstream.

Beyond Healthy Bowel Function

As scientists continue to explore the many ways in which Omega oils promote overall health, exciting new data has emerged about these good-for-you fats. For example, recent studies have shown that Omega oils can produce a small but significant decline in blood pressure, particularly among adults with hypertension. They may also help boost fat metabolism, relieve joint pain and inflammation, and even help with mood disorders such as depression and bipolar disorder.

As a result, leading health experts advocate getting between 1,000mg and 3,000mg of Omega oils daily through nutritional supplementation, with higher amounts recommended for specific conditions. When choosing a daily oil supplement, there are certain things to look for in order to achieve the maximum benefit. First, be sure to select a highly concentrated formula with high amounts of both EPA and DHA. Enteric-coated capsules are also a must, as they help deliver the beneficial oils directly to the intestines and reduce the fishy aftertaste and unpleasant ‘repeat’ often experienced when taking fish oil.

Finally, added lipase (a powerful fat-digesting enzyme) is crucial, as it helps break down the beneficial oils and make them easier for the body to absorb. Lipase also helps prevent the fishy burps that many people say are the number-one reason they avoid taking a daily fish oil supplement.