Micronutrient Intakes Low in Obese Adults

Paradoxically, people who are obese have a low intake of essential micronutrients despite having an abundance of stored energy (in the form of fat), according to a recent study published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition. While this population may be...

Dietary Salt And Heart Health—What To Believe?

People with high blood pressure are generally advised to reduce their intake of dietary salt. The average U.S. salt consumption is about 3,400 mg per day, but the latest Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend keeping sodium intake below 2,300 mg per day for...

Healthy Weight Management for the New Year

We have survived another big holiday season! Unfortunately, we may find an unfriendly scale when we return the gym. For many the scale can reveal a five- or even 10-pound weight gain. January is a time for many people to restart a diet program, but most diet seekers...