Egg-ceptionally delicious!

Egg-ceptionally delicious!

I do editorial reviews monthly for Alive Magazine, a Canadian publication I really appreciate. Today I’d like to share a very creative slow cooker recipe right from this month’s offering  – Issue 399. Slow cookers are one of my favorite kitchen implements and in...

Cruciferous Veggies – Friend or Foe?

My entire career has been built on my respect for research and its value, however every so often when I read articles that are based on research studies, it takes me back to that old adage – a little knowledge/information can be a dangerous thing. It can be that...

Eat Your Greens for Better Gut Health

We all know we’re supposed to eat our greens. Broccoli, kale, collards—these dark green vegetables are part of the cruciferous family, and have been linked to a number of beneficial effects on health. A recent study published in the journal Nature Immunity found that...

Dysbiosis in IBD—Nitrates the Culprit?

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) involves dysbiosis, or an imbalance of beneficial to harmful bacteria in the intestines.1 Specifically, obligate anaerobic bacteria are depleted and the facultative anaerobic bacteria Enterobacteriacea increase. A recent study has...