Wellness!!! Goal Achieved!

Wellness!!! Goal Achieved!

Congratulations! If you have arrived at this last step and already applied some of the recommendations given in these posts to your own life, you are on your way to being in the best health that you can be. This step in the RENEW Total Body Detox program is focused on...

Start the Day with a Healthy Breakfast

Renew You Challenge Let’s start this week off right!  Here is your newest weekly challenge (I mean opportunity!) to help set you off on the right foot and in the right direction for bringing health to your week. You could even add it to your calendar. Join us!  The...

New Surgery Tries a Device to Treat Stubborn Heartburn

Let’s either laugh or cry together. Recently in the WSJ (you know I read that) I found this article http://tinyurl.com/cu3976j. The first sentence foreshadowed the rest, of course. “When MEDICATIONS aren’t enough to control the unpleasant symptoms of heartburn and...

Gluten Sensitivity—Not Just a Fad

I’m really excited about a couple of new studies on gluten sensitivity. I have been talking about this condition for so long, knowing that it contributes to many different health conditions in the body. The science is only beginning to scratch the surface of what...